Will I want to be sedated, flying somewhere over the Atlantic? (yikes!!)
Ok, so some (minor) bad news. At first I thought British Airways let you check 2 suitcases, both 50lbs or under, when flying. Then yesterday I discovered that its actually only one suitcase that is allowed, and if you want an extra one, its another $90. Hmmm...so the question is - should I pay the extra? Am I packing way too much? Not enough? Ahhhhhhh!!!!
For those of you who know me, I definitely LOVE clothes, and I have bizarre attachments to certain pieces of clothing. Like my old red sweatpants, or my lifeguarding tank, or my big baggy sweatshirt from high school swimming. They're like an equivalent of "comfort food," - clothes I reach for when I want to be comfy. So I'm trying to make sure I pack a few of my favourites, along with the new "professional" clothes I bought. In my contract with Language Link, it said that the dress code is business, so I did a bit of shopping throughout this summer, but I'm still a little unsure...will I be expected to wear heels every day? (Because, uh, that's NOT gonna happen...)
Anyways, I think I've managed to get almost everything packed. Check out my suitcase now:
(Note the cleverly tucked away tampons - if you can see them - and if some airport security guy makes me empty my suitcase in front of him and pull them all out, I will DIE of mortification.)
My cousins came by tonight to say goodbye, which was really sad. I have a lot of younger cousins, and its strange to think how much bigger they will all be when I see them next. Same with the kids I babysat this summer - I really developed a bond with them and its hard to believe that one-year-old Alessandro will be talking by the time I get back from Russia!
I guess I'm just in a weird mood right now. My last night in Canada. I'm half excited; half full of trepidation. This just might be the craziest/bravest thing I've ever done. Well, as the Russians say, davai davai - let's go!
And get some sleep for now!
So proud of you Katie! You're going to be just fine :)