Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ice, ice baby

As in ice cold water.

We've had no hot water in my flat since the weekend, when a bunch of electricity repairs to our building occurred. These "repairs" not only stole our hot water, which was only lukewarm at best to begin with, but also fried my laptop battery (I've since had to shell out 2,000 roubles for a new one, plus a power surge protector) and Stu's as well. My friend Oleg, who lives a floor below, told me that this time last year, the electricity repairs ruined his family's refrigerator. At first, I thought that was worse than a laptop battery...but then I reflected that, it being -30 out, the balcony could double for a nice fridge/freezer, so I think I would have rather had the fridge go.

I haven't showered since Tuesday night, when I went swimming at School No. 10 (where the showers are blissfully, deliciously scalding) and even small things like washing my face or the dishes have suddenly become a "brace-yourself" feat. We've talked to the administrators about this, but they don't seem in any real hurry to get the problem solved. I suppose this is all part of the experience, but I'm not sure how much longer the three of us can survive...

In an attempt to cheer myself up today, I splurged and bought some imported-from-Egypt strawberries at the supermarket. They were 86 roubles for about 10 of them (almost $3) but so, so worth it. At least I only have to worry about hypothermia now instead of scurvy on top of that...

*Yes, this post is melodramatic. But I never thought I'd yearn for a lukewarm shower so badly!!


  1. it' going to be a l-o-n-g winter baby!

  2. I think the melodrama really brings the audience into your world :D Keep it up!
